K9 Hero Pillow Project
K9 Hero Pillow Project
Who is Dian?
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K9 Lando


MWD Bleck

MWD Zeus

LEO Axel

LEO Rolo








LEO Jinx

CWD Norus


CWD Fighter









SAR Squirrel





203. LEO Lando

My husband is often working with fellow pilots up at Oshkosh, WI. So when I heard that K9 Lando of the Oshkosh PD had become seriously ill while still active duty and had to be euthanized, it felt like we'd lost one of our own. I offered a free Line of Duty Death pillow to his partner and the family accepted. And when the mom told me how their kids kissed and hugged the pillow...THAT'S why I do this, to try to help broken hearts feel a bit better. Be sure to scroll down for more photos and details about K9 Hero Lando.


K9 Lando was unexpectedly diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and was euthanized in the summer of 2023.

A release from the Oshkosh Police Department stated that K9 Lando became unexpectedly ill and it was discovered that he had Myasthenia Gravis. Officers noted that Lando was treated by medical staff for the illness, but that he wasn’t responding to the treatments.

K9 Lando was born on July 26, 2016, and was acquired by the Oshkosh Police Department in March 2018 from K9 Services in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was assigned to Officer Fettig (2018-2020) and to Officer Martinez (2020-current).

K9 Lando had a very successful career with the Oshkosh Police Department with over 1,437 hours of training, 151.5 certification hours, and 283 deployments.

K9 Lando’s seizure numbers include:

Cocaine – 62.9 grams
Methamphetamine – 102.5 grams
Marijuana – 9.38 pounds
Fentanyl – 3.40 grams
MDMA – 8.71 grams
Heroin – 13.3 grams
Drug Paraphernalia – 131 pieces
Illegally possessed RX – 210 pills
Firearms – 3 guns
Bite Apprehensions – 1
Currency seized – $25,974
THC Oil/Wax/Edibles – 214.08 gram

K9 Lando's family also adds..."Lando fought really hard to beat the two diseases he had, Myasthenia Gravis and Megaesphogus. He wanted to work and come home to his family. He was made to be a working dog and he did his job so well up until the very end! Thank you soooooo much [for the pillow]! It means so much to our family."

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202. LEO URL

K9 URL was the first electronic detection K9 for Utah. These K9 Heroes can sniff out electronic devices to discover child sexual abuse and other evidence against criminals who attempt to hide information and videoes on tiny hidden devices...that can't be hidden away from these amazing K9 Heroes. Gaylene learned that this local K9 Hero passed away in retirement living with his partner and she wanted to honor URL's life and service with this pillow gifted to URL's partner. Cam wanted to say Thank You and to make sure this sponsor knew how very special this pillow is to him. Be sure to scroll down for more details and photos.


The Weber County Sheriff’s Office announced that its retired police service dog, URL, also famously known as the “porn sniffing dog,” died on Dec. 30, 2022. He was 7 years old.

Having retired in January 2022, URL had enjoyed spending his time with his original handler, Detective Cameron Hartman of the Weber County Attorney’s Office (formerly with the sheriff’s office), up until his last moments.

URL was trained as an electronic storage detection canine at Jordan Detection K9, which meant he could sniff out certain chemical compounds found in electronics. This ability allowed URL to detect many electronic devices, such as SD cards and USB drives, that have been purposefully hidden away from law enforcement in many cases involving child porn crimes.

URL had a rough upbringing as a “pound puppy.” He went through two different animal shelters and a foster home within the first few months of his life.

Initially, URL was deemed to be untrainable due to his behavior, but the Central Indiana Labrador Rescue & Adoption (CILRA) recognized URL’s unique talents and drive and intervened and committed themselves to finding URL a proper home.

After six months of training in Indiana, URL joined the Weber County Sheriff’s Office as Utah’s first electronic detection K-9 on June 21, 2016. A 16-month-old black Labrador, URL apparently had the same trainer as Bear, the K-9 who brought down former Subway spokesman, Jared Fogle. Hartman also received nine days of expert training before being partnered up with URL.

“What a privilege it was to serve alongside you,” Hartman said. “My heart is broken and still filled with so many memories and emotions. I am so lucky to have been able to get to know you and serve the citizens of Utah and its surrounding states with you. You brought so much joy to the children who were home during search warrants, the countless kids of all ages as I got to show you off at dozens of public schools, colleges, public demonstrations, and church groups.”

Together, URL and Hartman have executed over 2,000 search warrants involving digital evidence in the northern Utah area. Some of the evidence URL uncovered include a USB drive disguised as a key, a phone hidden in a book, cell phone parts hidden in a wall behind a toilet and a micro-SD card in a closed baby jar hidden in a pencil box which was also placed in a large cedar chest.

Due to his superb abilities to sniff out electronics, URL had helped many law enforcement agencies in Utah including the Utah Attorney General’s Office Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Federal Bureau of Investigations Child Exploitation Task Force, United States Department of Homeland Security and many more.

“Thank you, URL, for trusting me, for working so hard, for loving me unconditionally, and for being part of my family,” Hartman said. “You were always there for me as I benefited from your talent in helping to catch some of the wolves that live among us. I don’t take any of the time you gave me for granted. It’s been an unbelievable honor to have been the largest part of your unstable life.”

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201. MWD Bleck

Elizabeth is another who has adopted multiple K9 Heroes. K9 Hero Bleck was a Marine. He enjoyed a loving retirement until his passing. Judie sponsored this pillow for Elizabeth to honor K9 Bleck's service and life. Be sure to scroll down for more photos and read Elizabeth's heartfelt goodbye.


MWD/IDD Bleck P022 Retired United States Marine Corps Afghanistan
November 2022

"With a broken heart, I have to announce that MWD/IDD Bleck P022 (Retired) United States Marine Corps. passed away this morning, at home, in his sleep at the age of 16 years.

"Through a scan, it showed MWD Bleck had a very large tumor in his abdomen that within just a few weeks had aggressively grown and was causing a push of all his organs to one side.

"MWD Bleck came to me as a 11 year old black lab who served 9 years of his deployment in Afghanistan. MWD Bleck was retired after having several bouts with heat exhaustion. Bleck was unable to go with his original handler due to his aggressive nature towards children. While Bleck was in Afghanistan, the children would throw rocks and try to hit him with sticks, therefore making him aggressive towards them.

"Bleck was going to need a forever home without children and that is when Mission K9 Rescue reached out to me and asked me if I would like to adopt him. I want to say a SPECIAL thank you to my friend Louisa Kastner and everyone at Mission K9 Rescue for allowing me the opportunity to give this Warrior a loving, forever home. Bleck was the sweetest boy and he loved having his ears rubbed and he was especially fond of his furry squeaky toys. He loved them more than anything. He always wanted to be close to you.

"It isn't easy being a War Dog Mommy ... there is a huge commitment one must be willing to make, one that is loving them the rest of their lives and caring for them as they grow old.

"Understanding what they have been through and being there for them to help them overcome any issues that might arise in order for them to have the best retirement possible. Then comes the hard part when you have to say good-bye. They become so much like family. There is something about loving a War Dog that is special and in the end their unconditional love is priceless.

"I love you MWD Bleck and I have enjoyed caring for you the last 5 years. I'm sure going to miss you so very, very much.

"Semper Fi my handsome Marine - Until we meet again run free and fly high you have earned your wings. You are now a mighty Warrior watching over the gates of Heaven."

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200. MWD Zeus

MWD Zeus was Judie's third adopted K9 Hero. She previously adopted MWD Jukon and later CWD Nero. Thank you Judie for giving loving homes to these retired K9 Heroes so they can enjoy being dogs after a lifetime of service to our country. Be sure to read Judie's words below that honor this K9 Hero.


Whelped Dec. 16, 2005
Passed 6/26/2020

Trained at Lackland AFB in TX, K9 Zeus ended up in South Korea for many years. Trained in IED Detection and Patrol, Zeus served 8 yrs in South Korea. He had been the continued recipient of much help and many honors by the US War Dog Association and he kept healthy because of it. A more loving dog did not exist and he was totally in love with any and all children! Due to Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA) disorder he could no longer do fundraisers, but he loved it when he did. Thank you Ron and all the War Dog Association folks. He would have loved to shake your hands.

He was adopted by a young gal from Texas, but she called Lackland a few months later and said she wanted to return him. Well, that is not how it works! So they contacted Mission K9 Rescue (MK9R) and they picked him up and called me to see if I’d take him. I had just lost CWD Nero and my heart was still in shock…it was a hard end for him and I was traumatized beyond belief.

But Zeus needed a home and I thought okay…..lets go get him. We met Terry Bruggerman with MK9R who drove him to us in the Florida panhandle and oh my….one look and I thought ‘what a beautiful boy’! He never had one bad moment …not one misstep. He was perfect every day I had him.

Zeus was so sweet and well trained that anyone could have taken him home and he’d been perfect. What an angel. I was blessed with him for 3 ½ yrs. My biggest fear was losing him. He was not a young dog, but he seemed healthy!

Zeus loved children, especially babies! But most mom’s wouldn’t let this absolutely gentle boy near them. He’d sit and wiggle all over and lick the bottom of their shoes. And puppies…OMG, Zeus would become a hot squirming mess. LOL Puppies made him extremely happy. I always wanted to get him a puppy, but then he developed Degenerative Myelopathy (DM). DM is a cruel disease, but he never whimpered or gave up.

Zeus was always a trooper, he developed IMHA, a disease that makes them feel yucky, but he was a trooper throughout and even reverted back to normal….almost unheard of! Thank God he got well.

With a house full of cats he was a total gentleman; he didn’t want to be friends, but he didn’t offer any threat to them, ever. If I could have had 10 just like him, I would have taken them all.

His handler, Roger Martin, who was his handler in S. Korea, the only one who ever asked about him couldn’t take him, but he was glad to hear how he was doing. I kept him in the loop the whole time I had Zeus. I shared a flag that a friend got us from the base in S. Korea because he was based there with Zeus, and sent a lot of momentos to him also.

I loved K9 Hero Zeus so, so much, but I had to let him go to stop the pain he had. I bought a pound of Arby’s sliced beef and while he was sedated I fed him small bites and he loved it, smiled and burped and smiled some more. He was an angel on earth and now he is one in heaven. Goooood boy Zeus, I'll love you forever.

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199. LEO Axel

K9 Hero Axel was killed in the line of duty on 8/27/22, while saving the life of his partner and another officer. This pillow was offered as a free Line of Duty Death pillow to honor K9 Hero Axel's life and service to his community. His family also purchased a second pillow to give to the other officer whose life was also saved thanks to K9 Axel's loyalty and bravery. Rest in Peace K9 Hero Axel.

Be sure to scroll down for many more pictures and details.


"Coming home this morning hit differently. While I am so thankful to have my husband home safe my heart is broken at the site of our empty kennel.

"Last night I got a phone call that made my heart fall out of my chest. Last night my husband’s K9 Partner was killed in the Line of Duty, saving the life of my husband and other Officers. I thank God that Josh is safe, and my children still have their father and I have my husband, but my heart is shattered by the fact our Axel is gone.

"Each shift before my husband and Axel left for work, I’d spend a few minutes with Axel and I’d always say to him, 'Be a good boy. Mommy loves you, take care of Dad for me. Watch out for him and protect him.' And last night he did just that while sacrificing his own life to do so. I owe Axel everything!

"He is the reason that right now I am able to hold my husband. I am both thankful and heart broken. Axel wasn’t only a K9 police dog. He was a part of our family. My children are heart broken. He was JoJo’s best friend, we couldn’t go outside without her wanting to go see him. I am at a loss and my husband is without his best friend and partner. To us he wasn’t this big bad scary dog. He was our loved one that loved his snuggles, kisses, his head rubs, and to love on Josh. Loved to be petted he could never get enough. He loved Josh so deeply and was loyal to him. I have never seen a stronger connection between a dog and human then what Josh and Axel shared.

"He’d always watched out for my babies on our walks and would kiss Sissy from head to toe. Every day I’d come home from work or being out and he’d see me and cry until I spoke to him and come to pet him. Any time our son was playing in the yard and got to far away from him he’d let us know and watch over him. To us he was our big baby. He was such an amazing dog, friend, partner, protector, hard worker, officer, that loved his job and his family.

"Today looking at his empty kennel I thank God for Axel. He died protecting the person he loved most in this world, but my heart breaks for all the tail wags and puppy kisses I’ll never get again. Sometimes dogs aren’t “just a dog.” They are Guardian Angels. Our family will never be the same again. Here's to you K9 officer and partner Axel. You did your job and now your watch is done. Thank you for never giving up and fighting until the very end to keep Josh safe so that he could come home to us. I only wish you could be here too."

* * *

Charleston, WV. — A K-9 officer killed in the line of duty late Saturday night in Charleston was honored Sunday afternoon in a processional that began at the state Medical Examiner’s Office in Charleston and ended in Nitro.

Charleston PD Officer K-9 Axel died late Saturday night after being shot by a man police wanted on a felony warrant. The shooter was killed by police who said the officers were at a “very close distance” when the suspect shot Axel in a wooded area near East Point Drive.

Mayor Amy Shuler Goodwin has ordered flags at half-staff in the Capital City following the shooting death. Goodwin said Axel gave his life for his partner, Patrolman Josh Clendenin, and Patrolman Ward Childress.

“We are saddened by the loss of K-9 officer Axel,” Goodwin said in a Sunday news release. “Our thoughts and prayers are with his partner, Josh, and his family – as well as all of our men and women in blue.”

“With a heavy heart and mixed emotions on our tragic loss of one of our most loyal officers, I am thankful yet saddened. I am thankful Axel was faithful, selfless and most of all fearless in his duties for he saved the lives of two of our officers, but deeply saddened K-9 Axel is now gone,” Chief Hunt said. “Please keep Axel’s partner, Ptl. Clendenin and all of our Charleston Police Department in your thoughts and prayers as we cope with the loss of our K-9 officer.”

Police haven’t released the name of the shooter but WCHS-TV, citing sources, reports that it was Samuel Paul Ranson, 50. The Kanawha County man was wanted in connection with a stabbing last week in the same area.

The Kanawha County Commission also ordered flags lowered on county property.




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198. LEO Rolo

Michele wanted to do something nice for her community and she heard that one of the local retired LEO K9s passed away. So she sponsored a pillow to honor Marion (OR) County Sheriff K9 Rolo's life and service. His partner was very thankful for this kind offer. Be sure to scroll down for more pictures. Rest easy now, K9 Hero Rolo and thank you for your service!


"I am amazed by all of the outpouring of love from everyone in our community. I saw your artwork from the website and it is fantastic! This is probably my favorite picture. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this pillow to honor Rolo. It means the world to me!!"

Sgt Bernard and K9 Rolo help locate lost autistic boy.

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197. Simon

This was a particularly sad one to do for me because Simon was my grandpuppy. My 30 something daughter rescued him as a pup and he was her faithful companion through thick and thin for nearly 17 yrs. Old age finally took away his seeminly endless puppy attitude and Stacy had to make the painful decision to let him finally rest over The Rainbow Bridge. Be sure to scroll down for a pile of sweet pics, as well as his bio explaining more about who Simon was. Rest easy now pupper, you are sadly missed by so many.


"Simon was a rescue that came from Lafayette, Indiana in 2006. There were three attempts to find him a forever home. After being dropped off to the rescue one final time, fate would have it that Stacy found him on Petfinder.com and it was a match made in heaven!

"Over the next 16 years, Simon became a “city dog” in Chicago and developed his love of swimming, tennis balls, pizza, cucumbers and his Mama Stacy. He supported Stacy through many big life changes and was always her trusty side-kick through thick and thin. 

"Simon made friends with everyone he met, both human and furry friends. He LOVED to make people laugh and smile. He was so intelligent that there wasn’t a trick he couldn’t learn! His puppy energy lasted for 15 years! No one could believe his age.

"It wasn’t until his last year that he started to significantly slow down, battling with his eyesight, but still a sucker for pizza! In September of 2022, it became evident that his mobility was becoming a real challenge for him and he was no longer finding the same joy in life.

"Stacy made the difficult decision to give her best friend peace. As he was always there for her for all these years, she knew she had to be strong for him. Stacy was by his side, with lots of pets and pizza, as he passed at home in his favorite bed with the loving support of Lap of Love on September 26, 2022.

"Simon touched lives all over the world and will be missed by so many. He will forever remain in Stacy’s heart.

"Rest easy now, Simon."

So patient.  


Stacy carved a pumpkin in honor of Simon.




Simon LOVED going to Lake Michigan.



He often participated in Bark in the Park,
which raised fund for homeless dogs/cats.


One of his first pictures as part of the family.



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196. Twinkle (Black Dog Ninja)

You may recognize Twinkle, aka Black Dog Ninja, from the very popular Facebook page of Peace and Paws Dog Rescue. Their comic relief posts are the best. It all started many years ago with Giddy (White Hot Mess) and Twinkle (Black Dog Ninja). Later Nugget often joined in on the fun. Now there's a Next Generation of fun pups...who amazingly put up with the great costumes.

Twinkle was special to me for a few reasons...her looks and attitute reminded me of our Lexi who passed years ago (as well as my own attitude<g>) and we both enjoyed a nice Margarita at times (Twinkle obviously not for real). Twinkle passed away early in 2022. Because she was special to me, I knew I'd be making a pillow (which definitely needed a Tequila bottle<g>) to send off to honor the joy she brought to me (and SO many others) through Facebook and their calendars. Be sure to scroll down to read more about Twinkle as well as see many more pictures.


(This is what Melissa posted after Twinkle got her wings...)

Well she did it. Twinkle traded in her honorary viking hat for studded angel wings.

She would say, "hey now, if you're posting about me, make it good. You better tell them how awesome I was and don't leave anything out please."

Although she wouldn't say please.

This dog. What can I say. It's an end to an era. To a group of rescue dogs that were the epitome of amazing canine awesomeness. How lucky were we? So freaking lucky.

If I said everything I felt. Everything that she was. We'd be here forever.

...She brought so many people together.
...She introduced me to so many good, good people.
...She was adopted twice and returned twice.
...She was the first dog we had to go to court for and fight for and we won.
...She was a force.
...She was a beast.
...She had inflammatory bowel disease and ate everything in sight. Nailed down, didn't matter, it just made it more fun to tear it off into pieces and eat it. A few weeks ago she pooped out a refrigerator magnet and it wasn't a small one. WTH Twinkle. That was Twinkle.
...She is and always will be THE Black Dog Ninja. Her motto, I can do it and I will do it. NO reasons necessary, given or permission needed.
...She was brilliant.
...She could not be trusted alone or with others, but she still was the most popular dog in the neighborhood.

Half blind, almost completely deaf, arthritic, everyone knew she still ran the house and don't cross her. No one ever did. Given a running start, someone always walked away from a playtime with a busted lip, swollen eye or limping and it was never her.

Outside, she could never be left unattended. All 14 plus years. She was never in a fight, but demanded to be top dog and she always was. She would let you know that good posture and direct eye contact will earn you respect. It worked for her.


Boy does this house feel empty.

And as Twinkle left her earthly fur suit and Bo carried her out to the Vets car, I stared out the window as the snow slid off the roof onto the deck. Below.......a snow heart. Of course.

Twinkle, please tell the others how much we miss you all and please try not to start too much trouble up there ok?

I can totally hear her saying, "what do you mean up here? I'm down here you losers and these horns are too small."

RIP my Twinkle. You were a rockstar.

TWINKLE: You, me, Pablo, unlimited margaritas at the corner bar stat! Not to be confused with Twinko de Mayo, which is everyday.

TWINKLE: In the end, we should all be drinking margaritas.

TWINKLE: Or else you'll be stuck living with constant explosions of insanity and unpredictable and annoying behaviors. Not to mention any names of course. <----

TWINKLE: Ok, so a Rabbi and a Nun walk into a bar and the bartender says......

TWINKLE: Oh yay more snow!!! Said no Black Dog Ninja ever...

TWINKLE: Black Dog Ninjas are always prepared to withstand any and all distractions. We make our own fireworks.

Giddy, Twinkle & Nugget
(The Originals: all over The Rainbow Bridge now.)

The Window Wars

Twinkle, puppy size.

Miss you Black Dog Ninja!

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195. Rosebud

Michele sponsored this pillow for her friend who rescued Rosebud from abuse and neglect. Rosebud passed after...thankfully...learning what love was. Be sure to scroll down for more details and pictures and even a cute video.


"Rosebud had been kept in a breeder/hoarder environment with many other Shar Pei dogs who were kept in pens and bred. At one point there was a fire on the property and the dogs were crammed into a truck during the fire. For the rest of her life, Rosebud hated the smell of smoke and would sneeze anytime there was a plume of any kind.

"Oregon Humane Society was called in to rescue the dogs and ended up with 41 sickly Pei, some with serious eye infections, overgrown nails and infections. Rosebud was in that group. She was thin as a rail, about 90% bald with very bad skin, partially blind, and had a partial ear missing, but something about her captured my heart and we adopted her.

"When she first came to us, she would sleep sitting up with her back to the wall and she's the only dog I'd met that would walk backwards instead of turn her back on anyone. It took months of care and trust-building to give her confidence and reveal her sweet, loving, little personality.

"Rosebud was the most beautiful soul...and funny, too. She loved her cat, chicken and dog friends. Here is a link to a video to give you an idea of her personality https://youtu.be/WxumEH2OErA

"She had an amazing capacity to show love. Once, when I was in the throes of a migraine, she literally pulled her special blanket around me. Her favorite smell was the salty air at the ocean and she would snort like a little pig as soon as she would catch a whiff. Running in the sand was a delight for her. But she abhorred getting wet; probably because she had been kept exposed to the elements at the breeder, and so she wouldn't go near the water line. We even had tents and roofs over walkways for her to go out and "do her business" in our rainy winters.

"Rosebud died suddenly one evening after a perfectly normal day - many of the dogs from this rescue had similar sudden deaths. (I was in a social circle with several other adopters from this group.) So it was most likely congenital from poor breeding, but shocking nonetheless. That moment and months after were completely devastating. How could I go on without this sweet pea?

"A friend, who Rosebud met at a small party at the beach along with her dog Hazel, sent me the lovely pillow and I cherish it. The quality workmanship is apparent. Even the embroidery of her photo has a rough yet soft texture that almost feels like her Shar Pei coat.

"Thank you for keeping Rosebud's memory alive."

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194. Kate

I have two older Goldens of my own, so I know how wonderful they are and how losing them will be so painful. Lynn works with Golden Treasures golden retriever rescue in Ohio. Kate was her beloved Golden. Knowing Lynn via Facebook, I also fell in love with Kate and was sad seeing that her health was failing her. Kate crossed The Rainbow Bridge earlier in 2022. Be sure to scroll down to read Lynn's words and also see lots of great pictures.


"Having the pillow in memory of Kate helps heal my heart everyday.

"We rescued Kate from Golden Treasures Golden Retriever Rescue in Bath, Ohio 12 years ago. I loved her rich, red fur and pure white chest and fell in love the minute I met her.

"Her first several years were spent guiding and protecting the blind resident dog, Dakota, and stalking any silly squirrel who had the nerve to enter her yard.

"She had a strong personality and let you know her needs in no uncertain terms! She also was very vocal about strange dogs invading her space.

"We never thought we'd be able to bring in another rescue after losing Dakota, but Kate accepted Lucy and they spent 8 years looking out for each other.

"Dian had previously reached out to me with a pillow donation to benefit our rescue fundraiser, which really touched my heart; so after Kate died, I immediately ordered a pillow. A few days later, I learned that one of my Facebook friend's, Ruby, had sponsored the pillow for me. Ruby is one of the most amazing adopters of retired war dogs and has a huge heart for others. I couldn't have been more humbled by her generosity.

"Dian is so invested in the work she does creating these pillows and it shows. I love being able to look at Kate's young, vibrant face every day."





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193. Truman

Michele sponsored this pillow for her friend after Truman passed away. I don't have any further informaiton; but if I get some, I'll post an update.


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192 Bella

Melaine works for Collie Rescue of Great Illinois (where I was also a foster parent for a couple years). She ordered this pillow for her friend Lori after Bella passed away. Lori works with a Boxer rescue organization and love Boxers. I don't have any further information, but if I do I'll post it. Scroll down for more photos.


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191. Lola

I donated a pillow to K9 Hero Haven for their fund raiser event. The winner was Norman and he wanted his pillow of his beloved Lola. I don't have any further information, but if I get an update, I'll post it.


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190. LEO Jinx

Early April 2022, El Paso County K9 Officer Jinx was assisting with a call for an individual menacing with a gun in Manitou Springs, CO. The suspect shot and killed K9 Jinx. LEOs returned fire and killed the offender.

Any K9 Hero who passed, for any reason, while still active duty can request a free K9 Hero Pillow from me. I always try to offer one when I find contact info. Jinx' partner accepted my offer for this pillow. Be sure to scroll down for more info and pictures. Sincere condolences to his family. Rest easy...good boy K9 Hero Jinx.


"K9 Jinx was 3 yrs old with 2 yrs of service.

"The sheriff's office says Jinx was on the scene of a crime, investigating a menacing person with a gun when that suspect shot and killed the dog. Officers returned fire and shot and killed the suspect.

"K9 Jinx had been with El Paso County since 2020 when he was just 13 months old. He was part of the narcotics and apprehension unit.

"'This is a profound and significant loss for the K9's handler and partner, family, our community and for the law enforcement community,' said El Paso County Sheriff's Office spokesman Jason Garrett."

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189. CWD Norus

I made Norus' pillow and sent it off to his mom, Stacy. She sent a cute picture of him with his pillow and it seemed he approved. Sadly, just a few weeks later I saw a post from K9 Hero Haven, from where he'd initially been adopted from, saying that CWD Norus had passed. Every K9/dog I embroider stays in my heart. And when I hear they've passed, it's like losing a sweet friend. Rest easy K9 Hero Norus! Be sure to scroll down to read his bio and note from his moom, as well as see a pile of additional pictures.


K9 Hero Haven : With a sad and heavy heart, I announce the passing of CWD Norus.
CWD Norus 47931, 6/1/10-8/8/22

CWD Norus came to K9 Hero Haven in March of 2017 following his retirement from Afghanistan.

He had a toe removed while here due to a tumor. He recovered completely and you would never realize he was missing one.

He was adopted to Stacy and Jason on 9/6/21 following being in our rehabilitation program here. He had some aggressive issues when he first came here.

While in our rehabilitation program, he was able to attend so many events while here. He attended the mall event and had pictures with Santa Claus. He was on TV with Jen on Good Day PA. He loved spending time in the creek and spending time playing with his large plastic ball here. He also loved hiking and did a few 5Ks with Jen. We would strap on his harness and he was ready to go.

Even though CWD Norus’ retirement was brief and only about a year, he had such an amazing retirement. He was very loved and spoiled and loved being part of a family. He even took part in their wedding.

They always told me that CWD Norus was their EVERYTHING. Thank you for loving him, for holding him while he passed and giving him the best retirement a dog could only hope for.

Thank you for your service CWD Norus. Fly high above the clouds without pain. You were dearly loved and will be greatly missed by everyone who knew you, especially your family. I promise you my sweet boy, you will never be forgotten.


A message from his mom:

He changed our lives in ways we didn't know a dog could. He made our family complete. Every where he went he was a superstar and people wanted pictures with him.

Norus would lean up against people to get his pets and have that goofy Mally smile. He even made friends with our family cat, which I didn't think was going to be possible.

He loved his cookies until the very end. His heart and soul could heal anyone. If you were upset, he knew it and protected you and made you better. We had him a short time less than a year, but feel like he has been with us forever. He is our old man with his lip stuck on his tooth.

Thank you for picking us to be his Mom and Dad...we can't thank you enough.

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188. Rusty

I donated a free pillow offer to the Golden Treasures Rescue for their fund raiser to help the Golden Retrievers they rescue...including from China meat markets! >:( The winner was Susan. Scroll down for info about Rusty and more pics.


"We adopted Rusty (formerly known as Jax) on August 20, 2021, from Golden Treasures Golden Retriever Rescue in Ohio

"We adopted our first Golden from their organization in June of 2008. Sadly, we lost him (Brady) on May 29, 2021, at the age of 15 years, 5 months, and 5 days.

"Rusty was available because his previous female owner passed away suddenly and unexpectedly.  He joins his sister, Buffy, who is a 3-year old Border Collie/Australian Shepherd mix. 

"Rusty is a redhead (hence, the name, Rusty) who is obsessed with toys, likes treats (who doesn’t?), likes going for walks and rides in the car, loves doggie ice cream, and likes to play in water."

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187. CWD Fighter MDD

Fighter is in retirement living in a wonderful, dog loving home. He was adopted in 2022. His family had previously adopted two other K9 Heroes, CWD Mazzie, who sadly passed away, but was the model for a K9 Hero status honoring all K9 Heroes that is displayed in a park in Utah. Their other K9 Hero, CWD Geli is now Fighter's in home sibling. They also had a beautiful Golden Retriever, Ruger, whose pillow I also made after he passed not long ago. Be sure to scroll down to read Fighter's story.


"Fighter was born and trained in South Africa. His birthday is February 7, 2012. Fighter is a German Shepherd who served as a mine detection dog in Turkey. He was rescued by Mission K9 Rescue and happily arrived at the Mission K9 Rescue Ranch near Houston, Texas in March 2022.

"Fighter was adopted by Jim and Linda Crismer on April 2, 2022. On that day he met his forever mom and dad, as well as his war dog sister CWD Geli NDD. Fighter quickly adjusted to life in Utah. He met his baby brother Scout, a golden/lab puppy who is bigger than both war dogs. Fighter attended a Vietnam Veterans of America meeting and was welcomed by all the veterans. He joined Geli at a presentation at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.

"When Fighter was at the Mission K9 Rescue ranch he was diagnosed as heartworm positive. On May 13 Fighter started treatment for heartworms. He needed to have restricted activity for several weeks, after which he could resume normal retirement activities.

"After three painful shots and nine weeks of confinement in his crate, his mom and dad are happy to report that Fighter survived the heartworm treatment and is now a healthy, retired war dog who is free to roam in his home and go play in the yard.

"He will soon join Geli as a war dog ambassador throughout Utah. He is so ready to meet people, be in parades and enjoy civilian life."

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186. Stanley

Karyn purchased the pillow below (#161 Guinness) for her son and daughter-in-law and also got this one for her of her beloved Stanley who passed away.


"Stanley was our first Doberman in 2010 and at the time I was a single Mom and my youngest child Ryan was leaving for college. He wanted to get a dog to keep me company...that was Stanley.

"We knew Stanley was our boy when we went to see him for the first time. He was 6 weeks old and one of his larger brothers pushed him and he slid across the floor and under their television.

"I was so lucky to have him for 9 years 11 months and 2 weeks. He was my heart and soul. Our life will never be the same without him. I miss him every day. He was my boy who never left my side. He was my running partner and he laid at my feet while I worked from home.

"The day he said he had enough of the Lymphoma and was ready to go across The Rainbow Bridge, we sadly told him we loved him and helped him cross. We came home and we walked in the backyard to sit and we were gifted with the sight of hundreds of yellow canaries flying around us for over an hour. My Stanley was telling me thank you and that he was okay. Until we meet again."




"Then after two years we got our second Doberman, Stella, who is blind (since 3 yrs old) from Blastomycosis. Stella is now 8 1/2. And we now also have Ruby.





One of my clients painted this photo for me for Christmas.

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185. Guinness

Karyn got in touch with me to make pillows of her son and daughter-in-law's doberman, Guinness. His mom and dad are Cynthia and Ryan Drost. Guinness will be 3 years old in May 2022. Scroll down for more info and lots more pictures.


"Having bought our first home together, we finally decided it was too empty and quiet, so we followed in my family's footsteps and brought home Guinness, our (then) little dober puppy in 2019.

"The day we picked him up he was sitting in the food bowl and we knew that was our ittle boy. Since then Guinness has become the center of our attention and the king of our house.

"When the pandemic hit, we only got closer as a family as we had Guinness constantly at our sides. We took this extra time together to do additional training.

"Today he runs after us in the kitchen to close all of the drawers and cabinets when we put dishes away. His favorite trick is to wave when we have a cookie in our hands.

"Cheers to many years with this sweet boy of ours!"





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184. Tinky

Heather purchased this pillow for a friend after Tinky passed. I don't have any further information, but if I do I'll update this. Scroll down for more photos.


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183. Laila

Becky ordered this pillow for her friend Kim. I don't have any further information about Laila other than she passed away and was much loved. If I get more details in the future, I'll update this link. In the meantime, scroll down for more photos of Laila.


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182. Bailey

Trudy has purchased a pillow previously and bought this pillow for Bailey's mommies. More info below.


Bailey is a Yorkie, as you can tell. She lives with her Mommies in Maryland. She is a Fan Club Mascot. She is two years old now (2021), and quite the little sensation.

Trudy purchased the pillow with her picture because of her being a fan club mascot and it was a gift to her mommies.

She is addicted to cough drops (LOL), which usually ends up in one of her Mommies shoes. Bailey aka "Doodles" loves going on trips with her family and is so well behaved. She is spoiled rotten and is very loved.

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181. Victor

Michele sponsored this pillow for Victor's family. He was an abused and very sick/wounded dog who was scheduled to be euthanized, but he was rescued. He became healthier and loved...and also became quite the Internet star and Pitty advocate. Scroll down to read his story and see many more pictures.


In 2011, Victor was found in a shelter in Georgia. He was labeled "pregnant female" and scheduled to be euthanized. A rescuer saw him and pulled him immediately.

Victor was filled with liquids because he was in the final stages of heartworm. When he made it to Linda, they also discovered that he had been shot many times, his hip was smashed from being kicked repeatedly and he had numerous bite scars on his face and chest.

Victor's hip was fixed (resulting in a shorter leg), some shot was taken from areas near nerves. He started the 1 1/2 year journey to cure his heartworm. His training started and he was introduced to numerous people and situations. He was listed for adoption.

It was found that Victor forgave people for what was done to him. He, unfortunately, reacted poorly to other dogs approaching him from the front. This is a common trigger in many bait dogs.

Victor was adopted by Linda in 2013. His Facebook page, "Unlucky Victor", grew to over 16,000 fans...many of whom actually traveled to see him. People came from other countries and from just about every state in the USA. Linda's famly opened their house and home to all...Victor enjoyed every minute! His signature sign-off for every post was "That made me smile".

Victor was an amazing spokes-dog for all pitbulls! Victor was gentle, sweet, and loving toward all. He went to schools and camps to help his "Mom Linda" speak to children and adults alike about prejudice, rescue, and responsibility. He was on calendars, a Milk Bone box, the subject of articles...too many things to recount here. He was the face in many fundraisers for rescues and shelters.

Victor was not supposed to live more than a couple years, given the damage to his heart and lungs. He lived until 2022, (taking tons of pills every day)...content and happy. Victor passed in his family's arms...and will be missed forever.

His Facebook page remains. The other dogs who live in the home are featured, along with new foster dogs. "Unlucky Victor and Family" continues to provide smiles to many.

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180. Willow

A friend of mine's wife ordered two pillows of her sister's dog, Willow, who passed away too soon. Scroll down to read Willow's story and see more picture.



Willow, a La Pom (Lhasa Apso/Pomerainian), came to me as a puppy from Illinois. This little girl had no idea what adventures lay in store at her new home in the Blue Hills of Northwest Wisconsin.

Black bear are abundant on our 62 acres and they frequently visit our home, leaning on and peeking through the windows. So, bringing Willow outside for potty breaks and play was no easy task. The raptors; turkey vultures, bald eagles, owls and the like were very much predators to her due to her small stature.

Taking Willow for long walks along the field/woods line was stressful for both dog and owner as she was the perfect size for a bear type snack, even so she certainly enjoyed sniffing out acorns, chasing butterflies, playing with pine cones. Getting a coat full of cockleburs was a hazard at times, that's when her hairbrush got quite the workout!

When Willow sighted the pond all her inhibitions flew right out the door, then SPLASH! into the water she jumped. A refreshing, cool swim on a hot summer's day. At the water's edge she liked to seek out toads and bullfrogs, they made for good afternoon playmates.

She was a great friend to our very large and elderly St. Bernard/Husky/Lab mix, Ruffles, who is now 15 years old. Wherever Ruffles was so was Willow, the little girl protecting the older lady of the house.

Willow was a wonderful companion to my husband and I in our retirement and gave us purpose, someone to love and care for. She is sorely missed and crossed the Rainbow Bridge too soon at 7 and a half years old from diabetes.


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179. LEO Fox

Sarah ordered this pillow for LEO K9 Fox who was retiring, along with his partner Ofc Paul Wells. Together they'd served the city of Warwick, RI. Scroll down for more info and pictures.


K9 Officer Paul Wells has retired after 29 years on the force, according to the Warwick Police Department. Since 2012, he’s worked alongside his parner, K9 Fox, who is also entering retirement.

K9 Officer Fox gained national attention after he and the Warwick Police Department were often seen on A&E’s Live PD.

The department wishes Officer Wells and Fox the best of luck in their future endeavors.

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178. SAR Squirrel

Winter contacted me to let me know that, sadly, she needed to sponsor another pillow...this one for her friend who recently lost her beloved Search And Rescue K9 Hero Squirrel. Be sure to scroll down to read more about Squirrel and see several touching picture of this K9 Hero, who saved many.


"At 11 years old, Squirrel along with his handler Carla were still mission ready. As a NAPWDA certified live find Search and Rescue team, Carla and Squirrel helped assist in the search for and recovery of multiple individuals. Squirrel and Carla were also an AKC certified therapy dog team and frequently visited area hospitals. Even at 11, Squirrel wanted to work.

"Squirrel's body, however, could not fight the mass cell tumors rapidly spreading across his skin. With the first mass being discovered in May 2021, Squirrel endured two rounds of surgery, multiple medications, and several steroid injections. On October 6th, 2021 Squirrel passed peacefully from this world while at home cradled in the arms of his partner Carla. 

"Run free, old man."

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177. Allie

Allie belonged to my friends. And it really hurt to make this pillow, because Allie was my two goldens' mommy!

In Spring of 2012, we had to put down our much beloved golden/GSD mix, Cassy, after 13 yrs. A month later we learned that our friend's golden had been mated with another friend's golden and pups were on the way. We ended up taking two of Allie's pups...a girl and a boy. And our little girl golden not only looks exactly like her mom, but has so many of her characteristics...including the black mark on her tongue. It broke our hearts to learn that Allie was nearing her end. And making her pillow after she passed was a tearful project.

Rest easy sweet Allie. You are greatly missed by many!


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176. LEO Myk

Little Bear wanted to purchase two pillows of Vernon County, WI, Sheriff's Office K9 Hero Myk who passed, peacefully with his family at his side, on Dec 2, 2020 from cancer. She wanted one pillow for his partner and one for her. Since K9 Myk passed while still on active duty, his partner's pillow was free of charge. Myk was special to Little Bear, so she only had to pay for her own pillow to honor and remember this K9 Hero.


You can view a video story of K9 Myk's memorial, here: Vernon County Sheriff's officers honor fallen K-9 deputy Myk (news8000.com)

"The Vernon County Sheriff’s Office will say goodbye to a beloved member of its team with a memorial service Wednesday, Dec. 16.

"Sheriff John Spears said it was with great sadness that he reported the untimely passing of K-9 Officer Myk. Myk was born in Germany on April 26, 2010, and later imported to the United States.

"'Because of the diligent work of our citizen canine committee and generous donations from the community, Myk became a sworn, full-time member of the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office in July of 2012,' Spears said.

"Myk attended police canine training at Steinig-Tal Kennel in Campbellsport, Wis. attaining Dual Purpose K9 certification by Instructor/Owner Larry Filo. Myk served the citizens of Vernon County with two handlers: Deputy Adam Malin until 2016 and current handler, Deputy Mark Bellacero.

"Myk participated in tracking, search and rescue, detected countless amounts of illegal substances, and aided in criminal apprehension and officer protection, according to the sheriff’s office.

"'Myk was known for greeting fellow officers and loved all the attention he truly deserved,' Spears said.

"Myk worked his final patrol shift Friday, Nov. 27 at the age of 10 years and 7 months, with his partner Deputy Mark Bellacero at his side. Myk was recently diagnosed with having cancer and suddenly passed away in his sleep on Dec. 2, at home with Deputy Bellacero at his side.

"'We extend our sympathy to Deputy Bellacero and his family, fellow officers, and all those who dearly loved Myk. May he rest in peace,' Spears said.

Sheriff Spears said he remains committed to continuing the K-9 program so Myk’s legacy will live on.

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175. Ruger

Ruger was the family dog in a home with a couple of Military Contract Working K9 Heroes Geli and Mazzie. Scroll down for more info on this much beloved dog, as well as more pictures.


Ruger was born on April 7, 2009 and was adopted by Jim and Linda Crismer on June 13, 2009, which is their anniversary. His official name was Linda’s Golden Ruger. From the start, he was the most loving, affectionate dog ever. His true love was his older “sister” Raven, a black lab. They were always together and it was only right that Ruger was with Raven when she crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

When Ruger was 6, he generously welcomed CWD Mazzie into his home and willingly shared his mom and dad with Mazzie. Ruger patiently helped Mazzie adjust to civilian life. When Raven passed away, Mazzie helped Ruger grieve for her. Two years later another war dog joined the family. Ruger loved CWD Geli from the moment she entered his house. They played together, ate together and basically enjoyed being cherished pets.

Ruger loved the grandkids that came to play with him. He always followed his mom around and could be found wherever she was. He knew how to pose for pictures, and would always stare at the camera.

On August 23, 2020, he suddenly became sick, and the vet advised us that it was time to let Ruger go. So in our backyard with his dad, mom, brother Mazzie and sister Geli by his side, Ruger peacefully crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He was 100 pounds of golden goodness; he was the best.



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